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  • Home Office Funding Awarded

    July 2022




    September 2023

    In July 2022, Greater Manchester was awarded £453,080 to tackle anti-social behaviour and make commuting and travelling along the Fallowfield Loop and Yellow Brick Road cycleways safer. The Safer Streets Fund, launched by the Home Office, aims to tackle issues that blight communities by putting measures in place to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and support victims. Wigan and Stockport have also been awarded funding, following successful bids supported by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). In Manchester, the successful bid, led by GMCA and supported by Manchester City Council and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) will see investment in tackling anti-social behaviour and improving safety on the Fallowfield Loop and Yellow Brick Road cycleways
  • Start of GM Safer Streets Programme

    July 2022



